Note: How to read this blog

This blog is designed as a running story with each post a continuation from the preceding one.

If this is your first time reading Experiential Truth, start with the Prologue at the beginning and read it chronologically up until the present day.

Shadow's Friend

You should also feel free to leave comments so I can make the story better :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chapter 3: Max

The energy in the room was contagious. It was the start of summer and the sunlight beamed through the formally dark and gloomy classroom. I sighed.

"Hey Max, what's wrong?"

That was my friend. His name doesn't matter, you wouldn't know him anyway.

I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not done remember?"
"Oh wow... sorry 'bout that..."

Yep, the sky is blue, the air fresh, the sun bright and I am stuck here waiting for everyone to leave and enjoy their summer vacation so that I, I could start the second half of my school year. Well, it could be worse. At least it wasn't summer school. I didn't fail any of my classes... they're calling this 'enrichment.' Either way, I have classes in the summer, we'll see...

The bell rang. There was a large clatter as people moved boisterously towards the door. The room emptied faster than a beer bottle at a frat party… but what would I know about that.

That was the first time I met her. She identified herself as Ms. Sullivan... Amanda I believe was her first name but I'm pretty sure she didn't want me to call her that. She was remarkably fit for a person of her... girth? She was a rather large person, but looked more the type to shove you down a flight of stairs than take you to the principle. She was taller than I was, and I was something like 5ft 8. Her hair was gray and pulled back. The black shirt she had on looked like it could just barely contain her chest and the gray sweatpants she had on just added to the aura that she could kick my ass. Her voice was like iron. This was going to be fun.

“You’re in luck kid.”


“There’s another kid who’s going to join you this summer.”

I must have looked shocked beyond words; I certainly felt it.

“Jack, come in wont you.”

Now I was really confused. Before me stood Jack Griffen the 6ft 1 genius of our school. He was literally the kid that got straight ‘A’s. You went to him if you didn’t get something. What was I doing in summer enrichment with the smartest kid in school?

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